About us

At CompostHQ, we know how important it is to get your composting right. Composting is a rewarding and satisfying experience.

It is also a great way to give back to your garden and make use of material that would otherwise end up in the bin.

If you have the right balance of materials, you have a thriving compost system that can regularly turn out superfood for your garden.

A good, home-made organic compost can help with soil quality, water retention and so much more!

Even better, you have turned waste products into something truly valuable. The compost might even contribute to more healthy plant foods grown in your garden.

The scraps from those foods are then put back in the compost, and you have a beautifully natural and renewing system.

We love composting and could talk about the benefits all day. And, we actually do. Well – most days anyway.

We have built this online headquarters to bring together all-things compost so you have all the resources at your fingertips.

Composting can sometimes be a bit of trial and error to get the right mix so that you end up with the super high-quality output.

If that balance is off, you can be left with a watery, smelly mess. Yet, that is where we come in. We are here to guide you through the wonderful journey of composting.

There are so many products on the market for composting that suit different goals. It can be hard to know where to start.

We provide regular product reviews and comparisons of composting products, to help you choose wisely.

Additionally, there are many different tips and techniques to use. The thing is though, they might not all be the right solution to the kind, and size, of compost you are wanting to create.

So, we provide useful content to help you sift through what is right for you, and not.

If you have any questions or comments about our website then please get in touch.

Start your journey today by reading our Beginners guides or our Buyers Guides.


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